Felt Leaves for Restaurant Ceiling Sculpture

Here's a peek at the material we'll be using for the restaurant ceiling sculpture in our queue. This thick wool felt was chosen intentionally to help absorb noise from the restaurant's busy bar area. We're huge fans of materials that are both beautiful and functional. The second picture shows the metal frame that we designed to give the leaves shapes structure, while adding a vein-like appearance.


Texas Apartment Mobiles Complete!

Finishing this project was our top priority last week!

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Here are a few pictures of the piece hanging in our shop. The pictures aren't terribly glamorous—our shop is jam packed (aka cluttered) these days! The last few provide a peek into the efforts we take to ensure our mobiles travel safely. We can't wait to see the pair of mobiles hanging at their (more beautiful) destination!

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Photo Mar 21, 9 21 39 AM.jpg
Photo Mar 21, 5 38 23 PM.jpg
Photo Mar 21, 6 44 59 PM.jpg

Butterflies Wall Sculpture

You know that hospital in Florida we're making an enormous fish-inspired series of mobile for? Well, we're also making a wall sculpture for the hospital's pediatric ward—a swarm of 75 metal butterflies, positioned as though they're ready to take flight.

We love changing things up with non-mobile pieces, so we're especially eager to tackle this one! (And after a long winter in Portland, some quality time in Florida will be an nice bonus.)

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Malaysia Middle School Mobile Complete!

We just put the finishing touches on the mobile we created for the international middle school in Malaysia. We can't wait to see it hanging in the school's new building (instead of our cluttered shop)!

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Fish Mobile for Florida Hospital

Here's a project in our queue for this spring: It's a series of 200 individual mobiles that will "swim along" the entry corridor of a Lakeland, Florida-based hospital. The entire piece will include 800 fish-inspired shapes made of powder-coated perforated steel.

Malaysia Middle School Mobile

Here's a mobile we're creating for an international middle school in Malaysia. Students at the school provided inspirational images of wildlife in Malaysia, like hornbill birds and paradise flowers, which we incorporated into the design. We've just finalized the color scheme, and the piece will be installed this summer at the school's brand-new campus.

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